We resolve to lead the charge to change beauty for the better – through our products, our programs, and our PARTNERS. Are you with us? Our Winter Campaign is full of great new opportunities and sets the stage for a year of ACTION. Let Eufora start you and your guests on the path to new beauty with our first of four seasonal Beauty Campaigns. 2019 kicks off with Beauty Changemakers. Five top selling Eufora products staged for spotlight in your salon plus 50 free 1 Oz. samples! These changemaking products are guaranteed to carry your guests through winter beautifully, without a whisper of a hair disaster.
With that in mind, there is no better time than the new year to share today’s beauty news… you don’t have to be a trend follower to be beautiful! Developing and nurturing a unique personal style statement is the key to confidence, and inner confidence manifests itself in outer beauty. As a hair stylist, your artistry, skill, and passion grant you the power to expose that inner and outer beauty for your guests. A pretty impressive role… YOU, as a NEW BEAUTY CHANGEMAKER.

Eufora Magazine Cover

Q1 2019 Salon Activity Guide

Winter Planning Guide

8″x10″ Changemakers Display Sign #1

8″x10″ Changemakers Display Sign #2

8″x10″ Share The Love Ad

8″x10″ Stand Out Ad

8″x10″ Hero Ad

8″x10″ Ecofriendly Ad

Forming Cream Product Display Card

Beautifying Serum Product Display Card

Urgent Repair Treatment Product Display Card

Thermal Defense Prep Product Display Card

Straightening Balm Product Display Card