Hello Summer Blonde
Blondes Do Have More (Summer) Fun!
The final counts have been tallied and Eufora is thrilled with the results!
We gave you a challenge, Eufora Colorists, and you exceeded our expectations! All you had to do was share your best blonde transformations via Instagram using Eufora AloeLite Lightener, and then tag @euforainternational and #EuforaSummerBlonde. Your followers did the rest! Winning looks were based on likes and shares, and boy did you deliver! There were over 670 entries, and the top look was liked 686 times by the end of the contest!

Sherette Parker from Salon Trend, NY
Taking her model from grown out highlights to a gorgeously bright summer blonde was simple with AloeLite 9 Level Blue Lightener. Of course, she didn’t forget to use ColorElixir to protect the hair during processing and seal the cuticle layer, ensuring shiny and healthy results. GREAT JOB Sherette!
Be sure to search #EuforaSummerBlonde on your Instagram page to see all of the entries. We’re sure you’ll be as impressed and inspired as we are. Congratulations to all of the entrants.
Way to go Eufora Nation!

Be a social media influencer and WIN!
Your guests are spending more time than ever searching social platforms for hair inspiration. Now is your chance to capture their attention, and maybe a few new guests along the way!
Enter the Eufora Summer Blonde Instagram contest for your chance to gain notoriety, get your name out there and potentially WIN SOME REALLY COOL STUFF!

Post a BEFORE and AFTER of your best summer blonde on Instagram and tag @EuforaInternational and #euforasummerblonde
- Use exclusively AloeLite™ lighteners and EuforaColor™ to qualify.
- Include the @EuforaInternational and #euforasummerblonde to be eligible (that’s the only way we’ll find your post) (no private accounts).
- Make your descriptions short and sweet but don’t forget to include the Eufora products you used. Here’s an idea… Something like “Summer Blonde Balayage Madness with AloeLite™ 9 Level Blue Lightener and a EuforaColor™ sunny warm tones”.
- Winners are based on the HIGHEST NUMBER OF LIKES. This is your chance to build your social media presence. Eufora will not be re-posting your work during the contest. It’s up to you to get out there and GET NOTICED.
- Contest ends August 28, 2020, so get your posts up early.
1st Prize:
An otherwise UNAVAILABLE virtual blonding and toning class with Joanne Rempel, Eufora Color Development Manager.
A KILLER color support kit of accessories and tools.
A FUN Social Media start-up kit to help you build your social media portfolio.
An online feature from Eufora giving you ULTIMATE BRAGGING RIGHTS!
Total Prize Value is over $500
2nd Prize:
A COOL color support kit of accessories and tools.
An online feature from Eufora giving you ULTIMATE BRAGGING RIGHTS!
Total Prize Value is over $100
3rd Prize:
An online feature from Eufora giving you ULTIMATE BRAGGING RIGHTS!
Do a little research to see what #’s are getting the most use and add them to your post. You want to mix it up with a few general popular tags, as well as more specific tags. Here’s some we found:
#blondehair (25 million posts/hits)
#blondhairstyles (167 thousand posts/hits)
#blondhaircolor (93 thousand posts/hits)
#beachblondhair (41 thousand posts/hits)
Send an email to all your friends and salon guests directing them your post, like, and comment on it. (Their comments and activity will get your post more visibility.)
We can't wait to see your #EuforaSummerBlonde featuring AloeLite™ and EuforaColor™