Eufora International Announces Virtual Blow Outs for a Cause Challenge in Support of Childhelp®
With domestic violence on the rise, Eufora recommits to their long-standing relationship with Childhelp®, an organization dedicated to helping abused and neglected children.
Haircare industry leader, Eufora International, is forgoing their annual in-salon fundraising event, Blow Outs for a Cause, and launching a virtual challenge to raise funds for victims of child abuse and neglect.
The Challenge will be kicked off by top Eufora National Trainers doing their own blow outs and challenging their clients and colleagues to do the same. Taking the fundraiser virtual will not only broaden the fundraising audience, it will also launch a virtual library of blow out techniques that anyone can use to hone their skill at “self-styling” at home.
Joining the Eufora Virtual Blow Outs for a Cause Challenge is simple.
- Make a video doing your best blow out
- Post to social media & Tag @euforainternational & #euforainternational #virtualblowouts
- Tag friends & family and challenge them to participate
For each post made between April 19th and May 15th Eufora will donate $5 to Childhelp®, where 90% of all funds go directly to children in need. The goal is to help prevent a health pandemic from contributing to an epidemic of child abuse as people are sheltering at home. With domestic violence on the rise, children become particularly vulnerable, and it is critical that abused or neglected children have access to the help and support they need to thrive.
About Eufora
In a category that’s crowded with rampant brand over promising, the Eufora voice stands out as honest, real and personal. It takes its cues from the vision of the company founders, Don and Beth Bewley, who, in 1997, started a hair care company built on a foundation of passion, integrity and caring for the professional salon world. Today Eufora is recognized globally for its commitment to serving stylists and salon owners in a partnership that extends far beyond the innovation of people & planet friendly products, delivering on a promise to provide incomparable professional training and leadership programs to inspire, nurture and grow the next generation of salon professionals. For more information or to find a Eufora Salon, please contact 1-800-638-3672 or