"The Business of Caring"
Dear Eufora Nation,
There was a time when "cause marketing" and "corporate social responsibility" were novel ideas. Today the subject of social responsibility has become part of our daily lives and conversations. Clients who visit your salon, view your social media or website want to know that you share their desire to make the world a better place. As consumers they believe that businesses have an obligation beyond making money. In fact, it is difficult for a business to truly connect with its customers if the company doesn't stand for something more than its bottom line.
A study conducted by a leading marketing firm, Cone Inc, revealed some telling facts.
- A landslide 83% of people surveyed said they "wish more product, service providers and retailers would support causes".
- 81% said they prefer to "buy a product or service that supports a cause"
- 80% said they were "likely to switch brands to one that supports a cause". The same study found that people also prefer to work for a company that is "socially responsible".
For more than a decade Eufora has been passionately committed to supporting Childhelp", an organization dedicated to helping children who are victims of child abuse and neglect. Our commitment to the children served by Childhelp continues to be strong. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and another fundraising opportunity will soon be upon us. I hope you'll join us once again this year in supporting this truly exceptional organization. Help us raise awareness and funds for an amazing and truly worthy cause, one that makes the world a more beautiful place for children.
I would like to thank all of our great salons and stylists who, over the years, have partnered with Eufora to raise more than $1,000,000 for Childhelp. We know that GREAT things happen when your salon chooses to support a worthy cause!
- Potential new clients learn about your salon
- Existing clients will appreciate you even more
- You earn respect within your community as a good business citizen'
- You build morale and camaraderie within your team
The voice of the Eufora salon community is powerful. We touch tens of thousands of people each day with the ability to change lives, deliver information and spread a message of hope.
You Make a Difference,