Extend No-Shave November!
Planning on extending No-Shave November?
Check out these fail-safe tips courtesy of our HERO for Men National Trainer, Dana Caschetta.

CLEANSE the skin beneath the beard and mustache. Having facial hair can lead to build up on the skin from natural oils as well as irritation so itís essential to extra attention
to your skin during this month!
HERO Black Clay Shampoo provides exceptional moisturizing benefits and pulls out impurities like blemishes that can form underneath the new facial hair.

EXFOLIATE to promote growth! Exfoliating Treatment will alleviate dry itchy flakes as well as create a healthy skin environment to bring on the beard!

GROOMING ROUTINE - Say what?! Even if growing new facial hair, there is still neck and face clean-up that needs to happen, and a No-Shave grooming routine should start with a hot towel applied to the face in prep for a barber close shave. Eufora National Trainer Dana Caschetta recommends using HERO Exceptional Shave when "lining up" (cleaning up) existing facial hair.

For a perfect line up, create a diagonal line from the top of the ear down to the top lip.

Dana Caschetta
Eufora National Trainer

TREAT the beard! Begin this step with a cool towel. This will soothe the skin and close the pores locking in the moisturizing benefits of the previous 3 steps. To tame unruly beard hair, add shine and softness, work some additional Exceptional Shave into the beard.. Itís powerful antioxidants will absorb into the hair and skin alleviating skin irritations and nourish the skin with conditioning benefits of neem oil!